Two strategies maximized profit with risk mitigation
Whether you prefer to play it safe or dare to take a chance, we offer a combination of 2 portfolios that are professionally balanced for maximum growth and risk mitigation. These strategies are combined in a way that matches your preferences.

Investment philosophy
We built our philosophy on two main pillars – the investment process & the stock selection process. To justify investment as rational, we evaluate companies on our own by using quantum, technical and fundamental analysis.
We analyze in detail 1000’s of companies, where 10–25 stocks are purchased during the moment rotated in or out based on their market cap/EV relative to Net Present Value “NPV” of future expected cashflows.
Stock filtering processes guarantee investments in stocks that achieve favorable results in the long run. Macro, micro, and technical factors guide filtering and searching for the most rational investment.
Our ultimate goal is to provide rational, quantifiable statistics and metrics to achieve favorable investment results. We use a wide variety of data including historical investment events and stock market data to develop trading algorithms.
We developed our method of determining a stock's real or fair market value. We know our investment fields very well, so we craft our own decisions, not dictated or blindly followed by other players.
By using technical analysis we identify and look for significant patterns that can suggest future activity. We consider a past market activity such as past prices and volume.
Investment process

We focus investment on areas of critical shortage for the global economy. We consider a positive contribution towards the decarbonization of society.
We target on producers with high profit margins. Our goal is to identify strong equity leverage to commodity price and production increase.
Technical factors consider graphical analysis, correlation with global indices, liquidity, and drawdown risk.
Stock selection process

> 10, 000 stocks
~ 500 stocks
macro factors
~ 100 stocks
micro factors
~ 15 – 25 stocks
technical factors